Fotos von der Veranstaltung: Bauen, Sanieren und Investieren auf Mallorca


Fotos von der Veranstaltung:
Bauen Sanieren und Investieren auf Mallorca

Please find some fotos from our event:
Building, Refurbishing and Investion on Mallorca


Norbert Schiebelhut explained why renewable energy hardly can be found on Mallorca and why it might change in the near future. (sitting on the bench, left hand side)

Daniel Gingerich, surveyor, building expert and CEO of ISOTEC Mallorca spoke about what you should consider if your are planning to purchase a house on the island. He focused on the most comon building deficiencies and problematic legal aspects. (sitting in the middle of the bench)

Patrick Greiner, THE FINANCIAL GUARD, explained the audience of how to break the rules of the financial industry. He is an independent financial adviser, author and speaker. His podcast: Your best invest / Let´s talk about money & success is top 3 charts of the I-Tunes charts. Topic Finance. (sitting on the right hand side of the bench)